Restore To Me the Joy of Your Salvation
As a 40 year old new mother, I have been waiting for the day someone assumes my daughter is my granddaughter especially with all the gray hair I now have. I have never been one to color my hair but I am ready to take the plunge. So this morning, I did the allergy test to see if I can use this product on my hair and now I wait. This is exciting because while having dark brown (almost black) hair again won't actually make me any younger, it will, hopefully, make me appear younger.
As I was reading Psalm 51 this morning, I couldn't help but to recall in Scripture when King David committed adultery with Bathsheba (see 2 Samuel 11). David did such a vile thing as to take another man's wife, get her pregnant and then deliberately have her husband killed so his sin wouldn't be found out. Psalm 51 is David's prayer of repentance for these horrific actions. David had the audacity to not only ask for God's pardon but also for purity; not just for acquittal but also for acceptance. He specifically asked for joy to be restored. David understood the heart of God and knew that God desires relationship with us. Salvation is about so much more than avoiding eternal is about everlasting life! It is about being whole and about knowing God and being known by God. David asked God in verses 12-13, "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted to You." David knew he would be fully restored by God and continue to be used of God. He knew that God's desire was not to cover up David's sin but to completely purge him of his sin.
Thankfully, God casts our sin as far as the east is from the west. When we repent, our sin is no longer against us unlike my gray hair. My gray hair will always be gray just covered up with dye.
As I was reading Psalm 51 this morning, I couldn't help but to recall in Scripture when King David committed adultery with Bathsheba (see 2 Samuel 11). David did such a vile thing as to take another man's wife, get her pregnant and then deliberately have her husband killed so his sin wouldn't be found out. Psalm 51 is David's prayer of repentance for these horrific actions. David had the audacity to not only ask for God's pardon but also for purity; not just for acquittal but also for acceptance. He specifically asked for joy to be restored. David understood the heart of God and knew that God desires relationship with us. Salvation is about so much more than avoiding eternal is about everlasting life! It is about being whole and about knowing God and being known by God. David asked God in verses 12-13, "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted to You." David knew he would be fully restored by God and continue to be used of God. He knew that God's desire was not to cover up David's sin but to completely purge him of his sin.
Thankfully, God casts our sin as far as the east is from the west. When we repent, our sin is no longer against us unlike my gray hair. My gray hair will always be gray just covered up with dye.
You're too funny, Jan. You definitely don't look like Sidney's grandmother. If you'd like to see some gray hair, ask sometime to see my roots:)