Majesty of God
We returned from our vacation this weekend. How is it that we need to take a vacation to recuperate from our vacation? Oh well, it was so much fun! We went to St. Simons Island (back home for me) and saw family and really enjoyed ourselves. Sydney was wonderful the entire trip! She was able to put her toes in the ocean and she liked that! I always get homesick when I am there. It is so beautiful year around. I see the majesty of God everywhere I look! There is something so wonderfully peaceful about being near water; whether ocean, lake, river, pond or pool! To hear the movement of the water is such comfort to me. The sound of the water is so peaceful and being in the water is so relaxing and yet this same water is such a powerful force! Floods, hurricanes and tsunamis can completely clean out a place. Summer storms brewing in the clouds over the ocean are beautiful and frightening all at the same time. Seeing the beautiful mossy oak trees that are hundreds of years old gives me such a awareness and appreciation of history. As I see all of these things, I feel insignificant and yet I know I am significant to God. In fact, I am significant enough for God to send His only begotten Son to die for me and pay the penalty for my sins. As I hold my squirming daughter, whom I love so dearly, in my arms and type, I cannot fathom the highest of high prices paid for my sin so that I might live. May we never forget the love with which He loves us!
Glad you're back! Missed your posts!